The Solutions Party

Time to Realize Our True Potential as a Country and as Individuals

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“Let's Make America Greater Than Ever!

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This is our moment in history. Now is the time to seize the opportunity to make real change and open a new path for our country, one that will lead to a better America and help ensure that future generations enjoy a freer and more prosperous society. 

Let’s start this journey by ending politics as usual—really. That means no more reelection. Making government of the people, by the people, and for the people, instead of what we have now: a government of the politicians, by the special interests, for the special interests. We want a government run by people who have been elected to do their job, not worry about staying in office. 

Next, let’s target political parties. George Washington warned about them, and he was right: political parties have become the source of the mindless tribalism that’s destroying our country. Democracy and tribalism don’t mix, so let’s fix it. Let’s make it much harder for institutional partisanship and tribalism to take hold. We’ll do this by putting time limits on political parties (say, 12 years). We’ll make it so that new and temporary political parties are formed each party-forming cycle according to clear and contrasting ideas that address the needs of the country at that particular moment. No more lifetime Democrats or Republicans. We want lifetime problem solvers. 

To get the best people in office for their one term, let’s make elections credible again. Let’s start by getting rid of deceptive marketing campaigns and empty promises, and instead implement solutions to make elections about ideas and vision, communicated clearly and honestly. Let’s aim to have voters well-informed of their choices and who choose their preferences accordingly, with tribalism, lies, and political shenanigans out of the picture.

Let us too turn our attention to government, and make it what it should be: an effective tool for our society to implement solutions that the marketplace can’t. Let’s propose bold ideas to make government a model of efficiency and effectiveness, instead of what it is now: a special interest-enabling institution that is staggeringly wasteful and inefficient.  

With reelection-obsessed politicians and special interests out of the way, and an efficient “can-do” government in place, let’s build a new country based on abundant energy, a well-educated and creative work force, and a dynamic, opportunity-creating economy. A country where the middle class is constantly growing and whose share of the overall wealth increases accordingly. Let’s come up with smart government, run by visionary “one-time elected” officials, and market-based solutions to reverse the terrible erosion of the middle class, and in turn undo what we have now: an increasingly two-tiered society, composed of a few ultra-wealthy haves and an increasingly large number of have-nots. 

These are just a few of the ideas that are the foundation for the Solutions Party. The severe problems that plague our country (and our world) are intertwined, and partial approaches will not work. Let us not shy away from the task. The staggering nature of the multiple challenges facing us gives us staggeringly good opportunities to solve them. 

Let’s make America again the example of what is possible. 

Let’s Make America Greater Than Ever.  

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